The Eleanor Creeke Charitable Settlement
The Settlement was set up on the death of Eleanor Creeke in 1995. Its aim to assist charities striving to “improve the human condition”. It has always donated funds to further these aims. Five Trustees, four of whom are members of the Organising Committee of the Eddystone Pursuit, in conjunction with their financial and legal advisors manage the Settlement.
From the inaugural sailing of the Eddystone Pursuit to the present day the Settlement has supported the Pursuit by donating the prize money and providing some additional financial support.
Eleanor Creeke in whose memory the Settlement was set up spent the last 22 years of her life living in East Devon in a house with superb views of the coast and sea.
Brought up in South-east England she never had the opportunity to sail, although when young she had raced once or twice on Everard’s Thames barges, She inherited from her Mother a great love of the sea coupled with great respect. She had crossed the Atlantic four times aboard ‘reefer’ ships and always said that days spent at sea in the Trade Winds were some of her happiest memories.
Always one to help others she would have been delighted to think her charity settlement was now helping many varied charities throughout the South-west to improve the lives of others as well as giving sailors the chance to enjoy a days sailing whilst supporting their chosen charity. Eleanor said a few years before her death that she hoped she might be remembered for “having done what good she could in life and harm to no man” – perhaps the Pursuit is fast becoming her lasting memorial!
The Organising Group
The Pursuit has grown so much over years that it is now a major event in the sailing calendar of the South-west. The Group who organise it comprise eight people, each with their own roles, from managing long distance offshore racing for one of the world’s most prestigious yacht clubs to management accounting, and liaison with Plymouth’s business community, City Council and waterfront interests. One of the group heads up the event’s PR and four members of the Group are also Trustees of the private charitable Trust which supports the Pursuit.
Supporters of the Pursuit
The National Marine Aquarium - Sponsor of the Evening post-Sailing Party
The National Marine Aquarium offered to become involved with the Pursuit when the need arose for a venue near the waterfront large enough to host the sailing supper in the evening. The then Chairman of the NMA Board, himself a keen sailor, very kindly offered the Eddystone Hall as a venue and the offer was gratefully accepted. It is an exceptional venue and most appropriate and has proved enormously popular with the sailors.
“Friends” of the Pursuit
A number of businesses have become “Friends” of the Pursuit by providing trophies and support in kind, particularly helping to provide some of the food for the supper which they have very kindly donated free of charge. Their logos appear on the “Home Page”.
Four of the local businesses which donate trophies are Allspars & MDL Marina both based in Queen Anne’s Battery, Mayflower Marina in Richmond Walk and Plymouth Yacht Haven at Mount Batten. Keepsakes for all sailors are usually purchased care of Dartington Crystal Torrington who have also provided a trophy.
All the contributions these businesses make help engage the local community with the event, and the organisers are very grateful for their support. Why not support a great event and consider becoming a “Friend” too.